
An Introduction to “Rekindlings”

Hello! Welcome to this website and to a you who (hopefully) will never be quite the same again!

I simply speak from what is within me and that which I believe lies innately in the aspirations of us all. The “current” guiding this adventure is one of inspiration and even a “Call to Action!”

Who am I? I am an artist. Throughout my life I’ve endeavored to weave a continuous thread of art and beauty into my everyday existence. This action was, for me, both protective and extroverting. I have a keen interest in writing short “journal entries” (I call them “snippets”) and an absolute passion for writing poems! Photography has become another raging fire in recent years. “Freeze-frames” of life ever enchant me!

Always, though, through life I had an eye for what was wrong in this imperfect world and wondered what I could do about it. Mine has been a life of “digging into it and getting my hands dirty.” Therein lay my greatest education.


As a child of twelve, I was looking at what I wanted most in life. I knew the answer. All riches, beauty, intelligence and superpowers aside; what was the most valuable (tangible or intangible) asset or condition I could desire to attain? I knew what it was. Happiness… Isn’t happiness an evasive goal sought by most in uncountable and often unfathomable ways? Recently a statement someone made presented to me a simple and obvious path for its attainment, “We can create happiness for ourselves by sharing our creative gifts with others.”

I would like to add to that. I hold dear that by sharing my creative gifts with others, I can help create some happiness for them, too.


Why “Rekindlings”? There is something refreshing about new viewpoints, especially if they can lead to betterment. There is exhilaration in the moment – capturing simple perceptions often ignored. Have there not been times in our lives where we have felt perfect in our surroundings; where we saw the solution to a nagging problem or even the exact resolution to the some of the political turmoil of our world? There have been times where we made just the right decisions, said just the right thing. We’ve said words that brought a smile to faces or tears of joy to eyes. Have we not, at least once, brought out in others the light of recognition or awareness? Some of us may even have presented the exact right idea at the exact right moment at a meeting of our peers.

“Rekindlings” is not only to remind you of these valued moments, but to remind that you have this within you. You have creative individuality! May your life become fuller, freer and more fun!

I know life is not perfect and many sorrows and difficulties beset us. One can dwell on the negative, and though I know the negative needs to be confronted and resolved; dwelling more on the positive, I am certain, will beget more positive. Does one want to be consumed by one’s worries or empowered by one’s resourcefulness?

May a sort of magic pervade that will calm and equip you with your own “magic wand”…


There is a lot to be said about the power of one. I believe a person should never denigrate one’s self or the power one has to accomplish amazing things. To expand the power of one into the power of two, then eventually to that of thousands or millions of people who all desire to bring about a better world – well, this is entirely possible. We can change things toward ideals we hold near our hearts. We can wind up with a great many successful people who all lead by example. We learn from observing. If others observe happiness, kindness, help, brilliance and prosperity (that each one of us can put forward) perhaps they, too, will reach for the stars…

Herein lies a very deep well. May we draw from it and realize our dreams…

In love and appreciation of you,
Laurie Noelle

PS  In counterpoint to the compelling message of Rekindlings, with a playful spirit I add; “If an artist’s prerogative is to take poetic license, I herewith accommodate!”