Unfolding is a series of 10 children’s books on Human Rights, written in poetry with beautiful illustrations! These books are interactive for younger children as parents read to them. Older children will love reading these books, too! Help kids learn and practice human rights. The first two books are published and available at these links:
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“The Twins and Kitty Pumpkin” is about fraternal twins, Jaime and Jen, and their exceptional cat, Kitty Pumpkin. They embark upon may enterprises, always seeking to know the truth about human rights – as situations arise. Jaime and Jen start by asking their mother, then wind up making inquiries of several different relatives and mentors as various adventures (and misadventures) befall them!
Take part in the fun as the twins and Kitty Pumpkin learn what rights children and adults have and should grant to each other!
Take your children on a journey of discovery and improvement. Teach the next generation to make real the practice of human rights amongst the peoples of Earth.
This series is based upon the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as set forth on December 10, 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly. These human rights belong to every man, woman and child of the 190 plus member nations of the UN (and to the peoples of the territories under their jurisdiction). These rights are not to be broken or dishonored.
Note: It is surprising how children love to learn new words. The pride they take in using these words in their vocabulary is a wonder to see! Some of the more difficult words for children are defined at the bottom of each page where they appear. Have your child point out any asterisks they see. Read to them the definition of the word. Perhaps have them make up some examples. Watch how quickly they learn!
Note: It is surprising how children love to learn new words. The pride they take in using these words in their vocabulary is a wonder to see! Some of the more difficult words for children are defined at the bottom of each page where they appear. Have your child point out any asterisks they see. Read to them the definition of the word. Perhaps have them make up some examples. Watch how quickly they learn!
Let us learn and uphold our human rights. Use them so we don’t lose them.
Born equal and free are you and me.
We must all live with dignity.*
Gifted with skill to be very smart,
We all care – straight from the heart.
We have rights** to grant each other.
Each soul*** on Earth is like our brother!