(*Fray: “A battle or fight.” Oxford English Dictionary)
Though they strip me of my dignity
And tax me more than I can see,
No matter what we have to pay,
Forever keep me in the fray!
If countries fall and “-isms” die,
If upon a bed of straw I lie,
When they say, “Your beliefs can’t stay,”
Always keep me in the fray!
To apathy I’ll not surrender —
Nor misery – that great pretender!
All fear and rage within me die!
It’s into the fray – with heart held high!!
((((( )))))
To me the fray means freedom found,
Where hate and greed are outward bound,
Where wit and dreams and artists stay;
The defense of these IS the FRAY!
To be fair and just, to work and trust –
To a world of peace is our main thrust.
For love and truth and things of worth;
We can be sane upon this earth!
I speak not of clash or war.
Through peaceful means we’ll do the chore.
What better plan – than this grand design –
To win this fray for thee and thine?
Laurie Noelle
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